SharePoint news for email: A new way to share news with your team

SharePoint News For Email A New Way To Share News With Your Team

SharePoint news for email is a new feature that allows you to send SharePoint news posts as emails. This is a great way to keep your team informed about the latest news and announcements, even if they don’t check the intranet on a regular basis.

To use SharePoint news for email, simply create a new news post and select the “Send as email” option. You can then choose to send the email to specific people or groups, or to everyone in your organization.

Once you’ve sent the email, your team will receive a message with a link to the news post. They can then click on the link to read the full story, or they can simply read the summary that is included in the email.

SharePoint news for email offers a number of benefits, including:

Convenience: Your team can read the news in their inbox, without having to open the intranet.

Personalization: You can send the news to specific people or groups, depending on their interests.

Engagement: The emails are visually appealing and easy to read, which can help to increase engagement.

Tracking: You can track who opens the emails and who clicks on the links to the news posts.

Overall, SharePoint news for email is a great way to keep your team informed and engaged with the latest news and announcements.

Here are some tips for using SharePoint news for email effectively:

Use descriptive titles and summaries. This will help your team to understand what the news post is about and decide whether or not they want to read it.

Use images and videos. Images and videos can help to make your news posts more visually appealing and engaging.

Use links. If you want your team to learn more about a particular topic, you can include links to other resources in your news post.

Personalize your emails. You can send the news to specific people or groups, depending on their interests.

Track your results. You can track who opens the emails and who clicks on the links to the news posts. This information can help you to improve your future news posts.

By following these tips, you can use SharePoint news for email to effectively communicate with your team and keep them informed about the latest news and announcements.

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