Free Online Tools to Check Website Performance

Free Online Tools to Check Website Performance

1.Google PageSpeed Insights:


Analyzes your website’s performance on mobile and desktop, offering suggestions for improvement.

2. GTmetrix:

Provides detailed insights into performance metrics, including page load time, page size, and recommendations for optimization.


3. WebPageTest:

 Offers detailed analysis with options to select test locations, browsers, and connection speeds.

4. Pingdom Tools: 


Provides an overview of your website’s performance, including load time, page size, and performance grades.

5. Lighthouse (Chrome DevTools): 

Built into Chrome DevTools, it assesses various metrics and provides recommendations for performance enhancement.

6. Dareboost:


Offers comprehensive analysis of performance, security, and SEO, along with detailed recommendations.


7. YSlow:

Analyzes web pages and provides suggestions for improving performance based on Yahoo’s performance rules.


8. Varvy Pagespeed Optimization: 

Provides a detailed report with performance scores and recommendations for optimization.

9. Website Grader by HubSpot: 

Assesses your website’s performance, mobile optimization, and SEO, offering actionable insights.


Provides an all-in-one analysis of your website’s performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.


11. Uptrends:

 Offers website performance monitoring with detailed reports, waterfall charts, and alerts.

12. Dareboost:

Provides a comprehensive analysis of performance, security, and SEO, along with detailed recommendations.


13. Dotcom-Monitor:

Offers performance monitoring, including page load time, server response time, and waterfall charts.


14. Yellow Lab Tools:

Analyzes web pages and provides detailed performance insights and optimization suggestions.

15. KeyCDN Website Speed Test:

Measures various performance metrics, including page load time and requests.

16. FastOrSlow:

Assesses your website’s performance and compares it against industry standards. 

17. Seoptimer:


Analyzes your website’s performance, SEO, and mobile responsiveness, offering a comprehensive report.

18. SEO Site Checkup: 

Provides an overall analysis of your website’s performance, SEO, and security.


19. Chrome DevTools Network Analyzer:

Built into Chrome DevTools, it offers insights into resource loading and performance 

20. Google Analytics:

Offers performance data, including page load time and bounce rates, to help you identify areas for improvement


Checking your website’s performance using online tools is vital for optimizing its speed, user experience, and search engine rankings. The 20 free tools mentioned in this post provide a range of performance insights, recommendations, and monitoring capabilities. Experiment with these tools, analyze the results, and implement the suggested optimizations to ensure your website delivers an exceptional browsing experience for your visitors.








13. Dotcom-Monitor

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