SharePoint metadata: Add context to your intranet content

SharePoint metadata Add context to your intranet content

SharePoint metadata is information about your SharePoint content. It can help you to organize, manage, and search for your content more effectively.

There are two types of SharePoint metadata:

Managed metadata: Managed metadata is created and managed by SharePoint administrators. It is used to classify and organize your content into a consistent taxonomy.

Enterprise keywords: Enterprise keywords are free-form keywords that can be added to your content by users. They can be used to describe your content in more detail and to make it easier to find.

You can use SharePoint metadata to:

Organize your content. Metadata can be used to organize your content into logical categories. This can make it easier for users to find the content they need.

Filter and sort your content. You can use metadata to filter and sort your content in different ways. This can help you to find the content you need quickly and easily.

Search for your content. You can use metadata to search for your content more effectively. For example, you can search for content that is tagged with a specific keyword or that has a specific property value.

Automate tasks. Metadata can be used to automate tasks such as routing documents for approval or creating new tasks based on new content. This can help to save time and improve efficiency.

To add metadata to your SharePoint content, you can use the SharePoint web interface or the SharePoint Designer app.

Here are some tips for using SharePoint metadata:

Use a consistent taxonomy. If you are using managed metadata, it is important to use a consistent taxonomy across your SharePoint site. This will make it easier for users to find and understand the metadata.

Use descriptive keywords. If you are using enterprise keywords, it is important to use keywords that are descriptive and easy to understand. Avoid using abbreviations or jargon.

Use relevant metadata. When adding metadata to your content, make sure to add metadata that is relevant to the content. This will help users to find the content when they search for it.

Keep your metadata up-to-date. As your content changes, be sure to update the metadata accordingly. This will help to ensure that the metadata is always accurate and up-to-date.

By following these tips, you can use SharePoint metadata to add context to your intranet content and make it easier for users to find the information they need.

Here are some examples of how you can use SharePoint metadata:

Add metadata to a document library to organize documents by project, department, or date.

Add metadata to a list of events to organize events by type, location, or date.

Add metadata to a blog post to tag it with keywords and to make it easier for users to find it when they search for it.

These are just a few examples. You can use SharePoint metadata to add context to any type of content on your intranet.

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